From Version:
To Version:
Check the content of the current otpc schema
SQL> select * from otpc_version t;
-------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
1 2 1
Download tpcinstaller.jar from OTN
Start new installer
jar -jar tpcinstaller.jar
Click Next
Great: The installer recognized everything, so you really can expect the installation process will do the right thing
Choose: NExt
Point to the autodeploy directory of the privious installation. If you just point to the DOMAIN_HOME Location you will get an exception:
TPC-90026: The otpc.war of current installation for upgrade is missing in the server deployment directory
(Enhencement request: The installer should be smart enough to be able to check for otpc.war in the given domain!)
Choose: Next
Choose: Next
Upgrade completed. Plus Hudson Plugin installed.
Verify installation/ Upgrade
Verify otpc_version in database schema:
SQL> select * from otpc_version t;
-------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
1 2 2
Everything worked as expected. Nice.
Lets start weblogic and check if otpc server is running
Seems to run, but (as stated in one of my privious posts) nobody can be sure which version actually is running. Especially from an ALM tool which now integrates with hudson I REALLY CAN EXPECT to see a BUILD-Number here! Dear Oracle, if you are reading this, please log an enhencement request to integrate a build number in the otpc server homepage! Further it would be nice if that homepage lists all installed otpc plugins (plus which version of course). Thanks.
After starting the new otpc server a new folder has been created in DOMAIN_HOME
=> Oracle uses ActiveMQ now. I think in order to be able multi app server compatible. And ActiveMQ is obviously tinier than the WLS one.
OTPC Hudson Plugin
Now I am really interessted in how the hudson plugin looks like. So lets start my local hudson sanbox.
java -jar hudson-2.1.1.war -httpPort=8081 (8080 is used by the XE DB)
Observing the Hudson > Plugin Manager > Installed
=> No hints to a newly installed plugin
Looking into Hudson > Plugin Manager > Available
=> Bingo.
(Additional info. The plugin has been put to
by the OTPC installer and not into the $HUDSON_HOME/plugins/ as I would expect.)
Ok, move on
Restart hudson.
The otpc plugin shows up in the installed section of the plugin manager.
So now we can use the plugin in our hudson jobs. Choose your job and configure..
Save changes and run your job.
Check the jobs console output
"The test result(s) Testergebnis will be sent to the Oracle Team Productivity Team Server at http://localhost:7001.
Successfully loggedin."
Thats all so far. Nothing else shows up in your hudson ui ;-(
What's next
Check OTPC in new JDev
Let's open an old task repository
Hhhm. let's create a new task repository
Same problem here.
OTPC is still not enterprise ready. OTPC should improve in the following
- Task repository connection does not work in new version! Wow. Where is the mistake? the server logs
WARNUNG: RepositoryServerServiceImpl.getAll() 10/03/2011 17:43:29 MESZ - reposit
ory server 'New Repository Server11121' does not have any parameters by parentN
ame 'REPOSITORY_SERVER.New Repository Server11121.OTCP Task Repository11121'.
03.10.2011 17:43:29 oracle.alminternal.server.core.RepositoryServerServiceImpl g
- Integration BUILD-Number into otpc server homepage
- List installed connectors on otpc server homepage
- Integrate LDAP vor OTPC Users/Groups. Provide a mapping from those users/groups to OTPC Roles
- Integrate some nice charts in the hudson jobs webpages ;)
Like (in general about OTPC)
- Saving the IDE context for a specific task.!! This really rocks!