Tuesday, January 17, 2012

#ADF Talk Session 2 on Youtube

In ADF Talk Session 2 Ulrich and me dive a bit deeper into the details of PL/SQL Code integration by custom jdev extension. The video shows the usage of custom jdeveloper extension: Application Module from Database Package. See it in action.

Get updated on new sessions by following us on Twitter: @adftalk

Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Feel free to comment. Take also a look at Ulrichs Posts. There are already some comments related to the shown jdev extension.


Play!ing with #WebSockets

Development Stack

Server: Play 1.2.4, WebSocket
Client: jQuery, Boostrap
Tested with: Safari 5.0.5 (on Win XP)
On: Localhost

Inspired by a Blog-Post from Lucas Jellema I have done a similar demo with Play!.

The nice thing is that it was really easy to setup and deploy into the cloud. So everyone can test the websocket app - eeehm that was my initial plan (Actually it does not work currently, see why below). Further I took the chance to get in touch with git and published the source code on github. So feel free to test and fork.



Since there are some great cloud services arosed in the past I wanted to give it a try. So here are my experiences:


Prerequisite: install heroku CLI, git client (Please google for it how to set app.  I only post the interesting stuff here)

C:\play\apps\play-push-imgsel>heroku login
C:\play\apps\play-push-imgsel>heroku create -s cedar play-push-imgsel
Creating play-push-imgsel... done, stack is cedar
http://play-push-imgsel.herokuapp.com/ | git@heroku.com:play-push-imgsel.git
Git remote heroku added

C:\play\apps\play-push-imgsel>git push heroku master
Counting objects: 46, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (40/40), done.
Writing objects: 100% (46/46), 110.54 KiB, done.
Total 46 (delta 6), reused 0 (delta 0)

-----> Heroku receiving push
-----> Play! app detected
-----> WARNING: Play! version not specified in dependencies.yml. Default version
: 1.2.4 being used....
-----> Installing Play! 1.2.4.....
-----> done
-----> Installing ivysettings.xml..... done
-----> Building Play! application...
~        _            _
~  _ __ | | __ _ _  _| |
~ | '_ \| |/ _' | || |_|
~ |  __/|_|\____|\__ (_)
~ |_|            |__/
~ play! 1.2.4, http://www.playframework.org
Building Play! application at directory ./
Resolving dependencies: .play/play dependencies ./ --forceCopy --silent -
Duser.home=/tmp/build_jxh1de2j7wc9 2>&1
:: loading settings :: file = /tmp/build_jxh1de2j7wc9/.ivy2/ivysettings.x
~ Resolving dependencies using /tmp/build_jxh1de2j7wc9/conf/dependencies.
~ No dependencies to install
~ Done!
Precompiling: .play/play precompile ./ --silent 2>&1
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000
10:26:55,430 INFO  ~ Starting /tmp/build_jxh1de2j7wc9
10:26:56,387 INFO  ~ Precompiling ...
10:27:03,224 INFO  ~ Done.
-----> No Procfile found. Will use the following default process:
play run --http.port=$PORT $PLAY_OPTS
-----> Discovering process types
Procfile declares types -> (none)
Default types for Play! -> web
-----> Compiled slug size is 26.6MB
-----> Launching... done, v5
http://play-push-imgsel.herokuapp.com deployed to Heroku

To git@heroku.com:play-push-imgsel.git
* [new branch]      master -> master

C:\play\apps\play-push-imgsel>heroku open
Opening http://play-push-imgsel.herokuapp.com/


This is an awesome and easy to use stack!!!!! #PGH => Play, Git, Heroku!

Deployed at: http://play-push-imgsel.herokuapp.com/

Application is accessible but WS request are not working (oops).

C:\play\apps\play-push-imgsel>heroku logs
2012-01-14T10:36:29+00:00 heroku[router]: Error H12 (Request timeout) -> GET pla
y-push-imgsel.herokuapp.com/ap... dyno=web.1 queue= wai
t= service=30000ms status=503 bytes=0

=> Feature Request has been filed at Heroku. http://support.heroku.com/tickets/40910


Since WebSocket is currently not supported (according to: http://www.jamesward.com/2011/12/11/tutorial-play-framework-jpa-json-jquery-heroku) I decided to give cloudbees a try. Same here

Deployed at: http://play-push-imgsel.multikoop.cloudbees.net/

Same issues here:

... 20:27:42,952 WARN ~ 404 -> GET /application/pushimgsel/process (GET /application/pushimgsel/process) ...

=> Request #2383 "HTTP 404 on WebSocket Reque..." created. https://cloudbees.zendesk.com/tickets/2383


The cloud is not ready for WebSocket applications in early 2012! ;-)

If you want to see the demo live, all you need to do is

-Install Play 1.2.4

-Get push-imgsel Sourcecode: https://github.com/multikoop/play-push-imgsel

-Test with Safari (Other modern browsers currently not working, cause WebSocket Implementation in Play 1.2.4 cannot handle the newest Sec-WebSocket-Version Headers. Hopefully it will be fixed in 1.2.5 at least in 2.0.

Have fun!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

ADF: MDS power user layer and "How to control MDS customizations at runtime"

Tested with: JDeveloper/ADF
Happy new year 2012 to all of my readers! First post this year is a follow up on "ADF: Define default UI for MDS user customization".
In that previous post I introduced a feature to be able to define a default UI layout at runtime by a specific user. That particular UI customization acts as the initial default for any other logged in users. That is great and simplifies developers life as the default layouting (which columns to display, in which order arrange, splitter posisions and so on) can be done by a business user.
Although those great capabilities there is still a lack of control regarding applied MDS customizations of specific users. In User Support situations it is often helpful to reset the user customizations to factory defaults in order to have the "same view on the UI".
So here is our solution how to be able to reset MDS Customizations at runtime for ALL users, or for specific users with regards keeping the power user defaults.
First recap that we have defined a special layer "DefaultUserCC"
With this Customization class configured it is now possible to login as the user "layout" and define the default UI for all other users. It just means that the DefaultUserCC customizations are applied before the UserCC. (So the order of the CCs in the above screen is important!)
(You can test the behaviour with attached sample application based on ADF11.1.1.2. See download link at the end of this post)
Sample application
Two test users bob and alice and the power layout user "layout".
1. Login as layout
2. Remove all rows except Firstname and Lastname, Email.
3. Logout layout
4. Login as bob
[Notice that bob has inherited the ui settings from user layout]
5. Now Remove the email column
6. Logout bob
[Imagine: You get a support call from user bob. He says he is not able to lookup the email adress. To simplify further investigations you should be able to get his user layout back to default.]

7. Login as layout (or in general as an MDS Admin)
8. Enter username: bob
9.Click "Reset to layout user defaults"
As feedback you will get
[Imagine: In Support case you would now advise the user to login again. From that moment you can be sure user bob has same ui layout as defined by the user layout.]
Wow. This is a really powerful feature I think. Is there any other web app framework which can do this? ;)
How we do it: Delete MDS documents at runtime
To implement the mentioned features there is not really much to do (beyond the basic MDS configuration which I will not describe here. See references for details.)
1. Implement and configure custom Customization Class (Here: DefaultUserCC.java)
2. Use Oracle MDS API to delete MDS documents. To find how this actually can be done I followed to approaches. a) Reverse engineeer from deleteMetadata WLST command. b) Google.
Option a guided me through
   public Map deleteMetadata(String[] docs, String[] custNames, boolean excludeAllCust, boolean excludeBaseDocs, boolean excludeExtendedMD, boolean cancelOnException)

   Map deleteMetadata(String[] docs, String[] custNames, boolean excludeAllCust, boolean excludeBaseDocs, boolean excludeExtendedMD, boolean cancelOnException, Locale locale)

  List doDelete(MetadataStore store, String[] docs, boolean excludeAllCust, boolean excludeBaseDocs, boolean excludeExtendedMD, boolean cancelOnException, TypeConfig typeConfig, CustConfig custConfig, List custLayerFilterList, DependencyConfig dConfig)
       TransferUnitList transferUnitList = TransferUnitList.create(mdsInstance, docsList, transferOptions, !excludeBaseDocs, true);
       List resultList = MDSTransfer.getInstance(mdsInstance).delete(transferUnitList, cancelOnException);
    delete ...

Option b guided me to a some really great resources. 1. http://oraclemw.blogspot.com/2011/04/working-with-oracle-mds-repository.html 2. http://idmclub.wikidot.com/metadata-store where I found some basic information on the usage of the MDS API.
Finally I came up with a MDSUtils.java and MDSAdminBean.java which does the needed work.
Here are the most important code snippets
public static void deleteDocuments(final MDSInstance mdsInstance,
final List listOfFiles) throws MDSException {

MDSTransfer transferInstance = MDSTransfer.getInstance(mdsInstance);

TransferUnitList transferUnitList =
TransferUnitList.create(mdsInstance, listOfFiles, null, true,
transferInstance.delete(transferUnitList, false /* cancelOnException */);

public static List queryAllFiles() {
final MDSSession mdsSession = MDSUtils.getCurrentMDSSession();

//String packagePath, String documentName, boolean recursive,
final NameQueryImpl nameQuery =
new NameQueryImpl(mdsSession, ConditionFactory.createNameCondition("/",
final Iterator result = nameQuery.execute();
final ArrayList listOfFiles = new ArrayList();
while (result.hasNext()) {
final QueryResult qr = result.next();
final String absoluteName = qr.getAbsoluteName();

return listOfFiles;


Nothing special here. Just use the "hard worked out";-) MDSUtils in action listern methods, e.g.

List listOfFiles =
MDSUtils.queryFilesMatch("/mdssys/cust/user/" + username);
try {
System.out.println("MDS Admin: Deleting " + listOfFiles);
new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO,
"Deleted the following MDS-Documents for user " +
getUsername() +
": " +
} catch (MDSException e) {

Download the application and checkout the customization possibilities with bob, alice and layout!

http://www.box.com/s/kvjc43my8mbvoyi9lh3v (JDev 11112 Workspace)


User Customization with and without MDS


Programmatic access to Oracle Metadata Store (MDS)


Working with Oracle MDS Repository (MetaData Services)


ADF: Define default UI for MDS user customization
